There have
been many movies made on a decade long conflict in the history of film industry.
Many have presented the heart-touching and sentimental stories of different
characters from different aspects in their own way. Uma is also one of the movie made on the country conflict around 2000 A.D. which presents the story of a brother
and sister’s separation because of their own ideology. . This movie shows how the
circumstances and consequences changed the life of person from shy innocent
girl to the combatant lady. This is set on the story of early 2000 s when the
country was going through one of the biggest conflicts in the history.
The movie is produced and directed by OSCAR nominator Tsering
Rhitar Sherpa whereas its screenplay has been written by Tsering Choden who is
also the chief assistant director and producer of the movie, And Kumar
Bhattarai and Director himself helped her. The music of the movie is composed
by Gopal Yonjan and Abhaya & The Stream Injuns, Cinematography by
Purushottam Pradhan. Background Score by Iman Bikram Shah. And Tsering Rhitar
Sherpa, Sabina Basnet are the editor of the movie. After working for almost a
year on the script and a workshop with the actors for more than a month, the
shooting of ‘Uma’ started in location at Khopasi VDC, Kavre on November 1,
2012. The shooting had been completed within 28 days because they have done
strong preproduction planed. And after a hardworking in postproduction at Mila
Production Pvt.Ltd with the help of Colourist Sudip Shrestha only one reknowned
colourist of Nepal and the Uttam Neupane, Sound designing & final mixing,
UMA is coming with the help of publicity designer Swapnil Acharay in the theatres of Nepal
next week, on MAY 24/Jestha 10
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